I need to move my Trotter CXT Plus treadmill from one house to another. I have access to a van, but am not sure how to get it through the doorway. I do not remember how it was brought into the house. Does it come apart in any way?

Asked by Marilyn on 09/13/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 4 months ago

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3 Console comes off by removing screws that fasten it to the side posts and unplugging the cable. Side posts remove by removing the two screws at the bottome and sliding the side panels up enough to expose the nuts that hold the posts to the treadmill chassis. You now have the chassis, the two posts, and the console to move separately. The console is very heavy (almost 300 lbs.) so you'll need strong help. I fit it all in my Grand AM with the back seats folded forward.
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