Is there a lever/button to use before unfolding the treadmill?

Asked by Susan on 09/14/2008 4  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 3 months ago

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0 When the treadmill is in use, there is a buildup of static that is bothersome. I have the machine on a rubber padded base, use a grounded cable and have also positively grounded the frame to the home grounding strap. Still getting static buildup in the console and handgrip areas. HELP!
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0 When the treadmill is in use, there is a buildup of static that is bothersome. I have the machine on a rubber padded base, use a grounded cable and have also positively grounded the frame to the home grounding strap. Still getting static buildup in the console and handgrip areas. HELP!
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0 No button, but there is a lever that needs to be pushed in to release the hooking mechanism. Just hold the treadmill base (support it) and unlatch the lever...and the base will slowly drop to the opened position.
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