English 38
The Oven
Element cycles on the highest
This is normal. The temperature limiter operates automatically to protect the glass ceramic sur-
face from extreme high temperature damage.
Water takes too long to boil Time to boil can vary greatly depending on environmental conditions. See “Boiling Water” on
page 22 for tips to decrease time to boil.
White cooktop appears to have a
green tint
The white cooktop may have a green tint while cooling down. This is normal. The cooktop will
return to its original color when the glass has cooled.
Table 12: Cooktop Troubleshooting Chart
Cooktop Problem Possible Causes and Suggested Solutions
Table 13: Oven Troubleshooting Chart
Oven Problem
Possible Causes and
Suggested Solutions
The oven mode or temperature selected
or the numbers selected do not appear in
the display
The knob was turned too rapidly. Turn knob slower until correct wording or temper-
ature appears. Review manual instructions when setting clock, timer, or Self-Clean.
Oven door is locked and will not release, even
after cooling
Turn the oven off at the circuit breaker and wait 5 minutes. Turn breaker back on.
The oven should reset itself and will be operable.
Oven is not heating Check circuit breaker or fuse box to your house. Make sure there is proper electri-
cal power to the oven. Be sure oven temperature has been selected.
Oven is not cooking evenly Adjust oven calibration if necessary (see “Change the Oven Temperature Offset” on
page 13). Refer to cooking charts for recommended rack position.
Baking results are not as expected Refer to cooking charts for recommended rack position. Check “Getting the Most
Out of Your Oven” on page 24 for tips and suggestions. Adjust oven calibration if
necessary (see “Change the Oven Temperature Offset” on page 13).
Food takes longer to cook than expected The oven is carefully calibrated to provide accurate results. However, the tempera-
ture can be offset if food is consistently too brown or too light. See “Change the
Oven Temperature Offset” on page 13.
Food is overcooked The oven is carefully calibrated to provide accurate results. However, the tempera-
ture can be offset if food is consistently too brown or too light. See “Change the
Oven Temperature Offset” on page 13.
Convection Bake Results are not as Expected If the Automatic Convection Conversion Feature is turned off, the temperature must
be manually reduced by 25°F. If the feature is active, the temperature is automati-
cally adjusted. See “Turn Automatic Convection Conversion ON or OFF” on
page 14 for more information. Refer to cooking charts and tips for rack positions,
cooking times and pan selection. Adjust oven calibration if necessary. See“Change
the Oven Temperature Offset” on page 13.
Oven temperature is too hot or too cold The oven thermostat needs adjustment. See Oven Temperature Offset.
Oven light is not working properly Replace or reinsert the light bulb if loose or defective. Touching the bulb with fin-
gers may cause the bulb to burn out.
Oven light will not turn off Check for obstruction in oven door. Check to see if hinge is bent. When the
Sabbath feature is activated, the oven light will stay on or off (as selected
during set-up) during the entire Sabbath mode.
Cannot remove lens cover on light There may be soil build-up around the lens cover. Wipe lens cover area
with a clean dry towel prior to attempting to remove the lens cover.
Oven will not Self-Clean properly Allow the oven to cool before running Self-Clean. Always wipe out loose soils or
heavy spillovers before running Self-Clean. If oven is badly soiled, set oven for a
five-hour Self-Clean. See Preparing the Oven to Self-Clean.
Clock and timer are not working properly Make sure there is electrical power to oven. See Clock and Timer sections.
Porcelain chips When oven racks are removed and replaced, always tilt racks upward and do not
force them to avoid chipping the porcelain.