Para obtener acceso al manual de uso y cuidado en español, o para obtener información adicional acerca de su producto, visite:
Tenga listo su número de modelo completo. Podrá encontrar el número de modelo y de serie en la etiqueta ubicada debajo de la tapa
de la lavadora.
Assistance or Service
If you need assistance or service, first see the “Troubleshooting”
section. Additional help is available by calling our Maytag
Services, LLC, at 1-800-688-9900 from anywhere in the U.S.A.,
visit our website at www.amana.com/help, or write:
Maytag Services, LLC
Attn: CAIR
P.O. Box 2370
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370
In Canada, for assistance, installation and service, call,
1-800-807-6777, or write:
Whirlpool Canada LP
Customer Interaction Centre
1901 Minnesota Court
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 3A7
Please include a daytime phone number in your correspondence.
Keep this book and your sales slip together for future
reference. You must provide proof of purchase or installation
date for in-warranty service.
Write down the following information about your appliance to help
you obtain assistance or service if you ever need it. You will need
to know your complete model number and serial number. You can
find this information on the model and serial number label, located
under the washer lid.
Dealer name____________________________________________________
Serial number __________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________
Phone number__________________________________________________
Model number __________________________________________________
Purchase date __________________________________________________
Enhance your washer with these premium accessories.
For more high-quality items or to order, call 1-800-901-2042, or visit us at www.applianceaccessories.com. In Canada, call
1-800-807-6777 or visit us at www.whirlpoolparts.ca.
Table of Contents / Table des matières
ASSISTANCE OR SERVICE .....................................................................1
WASHER SAFETY.....................................................................................2
WASHER USE ...........................................................................................3
WASHER CARE ........................................................................................5
SÉCURITÉ DE LA LAVEUSE ...................................................................... 9
UTILISATION DE LA LAVEUSE................................................................10
ENTRETIEN DE LA LAVEUSE ..................................................................12
DÉPANNAGE .............................................................................................13
GARANTIE .................................................................................................16
Part Number Accessory Part Number Accessory
8212638RP 6 ft (1.8 m) nylon braided space-saving fill
hose, 90° elbow, hypro-blue steel couplings.
Safer than stainless steel. (2-pack)
8212487RP 5 ft (1.5 m) nylon braided fill hose. Safer than
stainless steel. (2-pack)
8212526 Washer drip tray, fits under all 1903WH Laundry supply storage cart
31682 All purpose appliance cleaner