Fire Alarm Systems | FMR‑7036 Fire Annunciator Keypad
FMR‑7036 Fire Annunciator Keypad
u Compatible with FPD‑7024 Fire Alarm Control Panel
u Two‑line, 16‑character LCD display
u On‑board LEDs indicate Silenced, Trouble, Alarm,
and Supervisory
u Silence and Reset buttons
u Built‑in keyswitch
The FMR‑7036 is a four‑wire LCD annunciator keypad
used with the FPD‑7024 Fire Alarm Control Panel
(FACP) to establish the location of a fire alarm. The
two‑line, 16‑character display is capable of showing all
messages normally displayed on the control panel. All
alarm and status messages are included. Four
on‑board LEDs provide easy reading of the
annunciator's status from a distance. There are Silence
and Reset buttons for controlling annunciator and
control panel operation. A built‑in keyswitch offers
extra security by locking the annunciator to prevent
unwanted sounder silencing or control panel resetting.
Certifications and Approvals
Region Certification
USA UL UOXX: Control Unit Accessories, System
(ANSI/UL 864)
CSFM 7165-1615:0227
Installation/Configuration Notes
Compatible Products
Category Product ID Product Description
Control Panels FPD‑7024 Four‑zone FACP
The FMR‑7036 can be surface mounted on a standard
three‑gang box, or with the mounting backplate
Wiring Guidelines
For the FPD‑7024 FACP, the maximum allowed DC
current draw from the option bus is 500 mA for
keypads. The maximum length of wire (all branches
added together) that can be connected to the option
bus terminals is 4000 ft (1220 m).
The maximum length between any one device and the
control panel terminals depends on the current draw
on the branch that the device is on. The current draw
on a particular branch can be found by adding
together the individual current draws of each device
connected to the branch.