FPA-1000-UL Fire Alarm Control Panel
Quick Guide
Top Benefits of the FPA-1000-UL
e Unbeatable value, offering best price/feature ratio in its class
e Reduced installation time and costs with minimal
plug-in modules
e Convenient internet access with built-in, self-contained web server
and dedicated web pages
e Built-in Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (DACT) and
Conettix IP Alarm Over IP reporting as standard – no need to
purchase extra modules or parts to get IP communication
e Consistency in service parts and inventory by using Bosch’s own
option bus feature built-in, which uses the same accessories as
the FPD-7024
e Meets the need for carbon monoxide and other toxic gas detection
in one panel with UL listed gas detection
e Simple installation and programming, thanks to simple design
and engineering
e Easy operation and understanding during emergency events with
smart design keypad featuring larger buttons and symbols
e Up to two analog addressable Signaling Line Circuits
(SLC) configurable as: Four Class B Style 4 or Two
Class A Style 6 or 7
e Up to 127 detectors and modules per SLC Loop for a
total of 254 addresses
e Uses standard wire – no shielded or twisted pair required
on SLCs
e Programmable sensitivity levels per device and automatic
day and night sensitivity modes
e Automatic calibration and drift compensation routine
e 120/240 VAC power; total 5.5 A transformer output
e Two integrated Notification Appliance Circuits (NAC)
rated at 2.5 A each, allowing up to 4 Amps of current
(shared among auxiliary power, option bus and NAC)
e Up to four addressable Remote NAC Boosters, providing
auxiliary power and up to 16 synchronized remote
NAC circuits
e Mainboard NAC patterns include Steady, Pulsing,
Temporal Code 3 and Temporal Code 4
e Built-in synchronization protocol for notification devices:
Wheelock™ and System Sensor®
e Three programmable Form C relays on the mainboard
(fire, trouble, supervisory, gas alarm and activation
by zone)
e Option bus for optional boards and expansions including
LCD/LED annunciators, Octal Driver Module, Octal Relay
Module and Remote NAC Booster
e Optional FPE-1000-CITY City Tie Plug-in Module with two
circuits, each programmable to Local Energy or
Reverse Polarity
e Built-in Ethernet interface for Conettix IP reporting and/
or programming and diagnostics
e Built-in dual phone line: public switched telephone
network (PSTN) and IP DACT communicator
e Contact ID, SIA 300 and Modem IIIa2 reporting formats
e Positive Alarm Sequence
e Pre-Signal
Ease of use and functionality
e Large 4-line by 20-character LCD display
e Six LED status indicators on each panel keypad or remote LCD annunciator, including gas alarm LED
e Menu-driven user interface on panel
e Easy programming from panel keypad
e Browser-based user interface for programming and diagnostics on a networked PC with Microsoft® Windows® XP and Microsoft®
Windows® Vista or Unix/Linux based operating system – no software installation required
e 4 Programmable authority levels secured with a user-definable, four-digit PIN
e 128 software zones for flexible input-output mapping
e Auto Learn feature for easy start-up programming
e Local piezo sounder
e Fire drill test function
e Walk test function
e Alarm verification feature
e Bypass or unbypass points, outputs or zones individually
e 1000 events history buffer
e Event and history printing via network printer
e Three languages built-in (English, Spanish and Portuguese), software configurable, LED and keypad labeling easily exchangeable
Listings and Approvals
e UL Listed 864 9th edition
e FM (pending)
e MEA (pending)
e FCC parts 15, digital devices and part 68 phone connections