September 25, 2008 Document No. 001-49038 Rev. ** 1
September 2008
Silicon Errata for CY8CTST120, CY8CTMG120, and CY8CTMA120
This document describes the errata for the TrueTouch™ devices CY8CTST120, CY8CTMA120, and
CY8CTMG120. Details include errata trigger conditions, scope of impact, available workarounds, and silicon
revision applicability. Compare this document to the device’s data sheet for a complete functional description.
Contact your local Cypress Sales Representative if you have questions.
Part Numbers Affected
Errata Summary
The following table defines the errata applicability to available CY8CTxx120 family devices.
[1]. Internal Main Oscillator
(IMO) tolerance deviation at
temperature extremes
[2]. The DP line of the USB
interface may pulse low when
the PSoC device wakes from
sleep, causing an unexpected
wakeup of the host computer
[3]. Invalid Flash reads may
occur if Vdd is pulled to -0.5V
just before power on
[4]. PMA Index Register fails
to auto increment with
CPU_Clock set to SysClk/1
(24 MHz)
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