1050 Commerce Ave ● Union ● NJ ● 07083
908-687-8800 Phone ● 908-686-6682 Fax
Dynalite Lighting Controls and
System Accessories
Instruction Manual
For Model MH2065v
Fan Cooled Strobe Head
Replacement of Modeling Lamp
1. Unplug the flash head
from the power pack
and allow the flash
head to cool before
touching the modeling
2. Remove flash head
accessories if present.
3. Remove the flash tube from the head in or-
der to reach the modeling lamp.
4. Remove the modeling lamp by carefully
griping it with a soft cloth and pulling
straight out.
5. Install the new lamp by aligning the pins
with the socket and press the lamp in place.
Please note: Do not touch the new lamp with your hands.
Oils from your hands can cause premature failure of the
lamp or could cause an unexpected shattering of the lamp.
Replacement of the Flash Tube
1. Unplug the flash head
from the power pack
and allow the flash head
to cool before touching
the flash tube.
2. Remove flash head ac-
cessories if present.
3. Remove the flash tube by rocking and or
pulling the outer edge of the reflector as-
sembly out of the flash housing.
4. Install the new flash tube assembly by align-
ing the three connection pins with the three
connection sockets inside the flash housing.
Ensure that the connection pins are aligned
correctly and in the proper configuration
before installing the flash tube assembly.
Gentle push the reflector/flash tube assem-
bly until the edge of the reflector is flush
with the outer edge of the flash housing.
Note: Use only the appropriate flash tube.
RR-50 RR-80