MDrive34 Microstepping Datasheet REV121704 1
• Integrated Microstepping Driver
and NEMA 34 High Torque 1.8°
Stepping Motor
• +24 to +75 VDC Input Volt age
• Low Cost
• Extremely Compact
• Optically Isolated Logic Inputs
will Accept +5 to +24 VDC
Signals, Sourcing or Sinking
• Automatic Current Re duc tion
• Confi gurable:
- Motor Run/Hold Current
- Motor Direction vs. Directio
- Microstep Resolution to 256
Microsteps/Full Step
• Available Confi gurations:
- Single Shaft*
- Long Life Linear Actuator
- Internal Optical En cod er*
- Control Knob for Manual
- Integrated Planetary Gearbox*
• Three Stack Sizes Available*
• Current and Resolution May Be
Switched On-The-Fly
• Single Supply
• Interface Uses 12.0" (30.5cm)
Flying Leads
• Graphical User Interface (GUI)
for Quick and Easy Pa ram e ter
* Rotary Motor Only
The MDrive NEMA 34 high torque
Integrated Motor and Driver is ide al
for designers who want the sim plic i ty
of a motor with on-board elec tron ics,
but without the expense of an in-
dexer on each axis. The low cost
MDrive34 puts the system de sign er
in the driver’s seat to de cide the best
method of control. The MDrive34’s
integrated elec tron ics eliminate
the need to run the mo tor cabling
through the ma chine, re duc ing the
potential for prob lems due to elec-
tri cal noise.
The MDrive34 uses a NEMA 34
frame size 1.8° high torque mo-
tor com bined with a microstep-
ping driver, and accepts up to 14
res o lu tion set tings from ½ to 256
microsteps per full step. Setup pa-
ram e ters in clude Microstep Resolu-
tion, Motor Run/Hold Current, and
Motor Di rec tion with respect to the
di rec tion in put. These set tings may
be changed on-the-fl y or down load ed
and stored in nonvol a tile mem o ry
with the use of a sim ple GUI which
is provided. This elim i nates the need
for external switch es or re sis tors.
Pa ram e ters are changed via an SPI
port. MDrive34 op er at ing volt age
ranges from +24 to +75 VDC.
The MDrive34 is available in multiple
con fi g u ra tions to fi t various system
needs including a single shaft rotary
motor with optional internal optical
encoder, a dual shaft rotary motor
with control knob, a planetary gear-
box, or a long life Acme screw linear
actuator. The rotary MDrive34 is
available in single, double and triple
stack sizes: 24, 31 & 47. In ter face
Patent Pending
The IMS Motor Interface GUI sim pli fi es MDrive
confi guring with a single screen in ter face.
con nec tions are ac com plished us ing
12.0" (30.5cm) fl ying leads.
The MDrive34 is a compact, pow-
er ful and inexpensive solution that
will reduce system cost, design and
as sem bly time for a large range of
step ping motor applications.
The IMS Motor Interface software
is an easy to in stall and use GUI
for con fi g ur ing the MDrive34 from
a computer parallel/SPI port. GUI
access is via the IMS SPI Inter-
face included on the CD shipped
with the product, or download at
www.imshome.com. An optional
cable is avail able for ease of con-
nect ing and con fi g ur ing the MDrive.
The IMS Motor Interface features:
• Easy installation.
• Automatic detection of MDrive
version and communication
confi guration.
• Will not set out-of-range values.
• Tool-tips display valid range
setting for each option.
• Single screen interface