Thank your for purchasing our Cordless VoIP Phone!
Please follow these steps to begin using your phone:
Step 1
Install Skype on your PC or Mac.
(Available via free download at www.skype.com)
Step 2
Use the enclosed CD to install our VoIP phone drivers on your computer.
Mac Users:
Please double click the Install Driver for MAC.dmg file to mount the installer’s disk image. This will cre-
ate a drive icon on your desktop called WirelessUSBPhone Driver OSX 1.1.3. Open this icon and dou-
ble click the WirelessUSBPhone Driver Install.pkg icon. When the installer is finished, drag the Wire-
lesUSBPhone Driver OSX 1.1.3 icon to trash and eject the Keyspan CD.
Step 3
Plug the USB receiver into a USB port on your computer.
Step 4
Insert the batteries in the phone.
Step 5
Pair the phone with the USB receiver. (Press button on the receiver, then hold the phone near the re-
ceiver until the LED on the receiver blinks.)
Step 6
Select a ring tone within the Skype software.
Need more information? The User Manual provided on the included CD discusses each of these steps
in more detail.
Keyspan Cordless VoIP Phone Quick Start