Pub. 988-0151-361
Addendum I
LCX Sonar/GPS Series 25, 26,
110, 111 and GlobalMap
Series 6500, 6600, 7500, 7600
This addendum addresses the manuals for the units listed above (part
988-0151-311 for the LCX sonar/GPS units and 988-0151-331 for the
GlobalMap GPS units). Since the manuals were written, some changes
have occurred to these units. These changes will affect the installation
and operation of your unit, and include:
Map Dataset Choice Menu (LCX-26, 111; GlobalMap 6600, 7600)
• The Map Dataset Choice menu, featured only in the hard drive units,
now has a Lowrance MMC/SD option.
• The units without a hard drive (LCX-25, 110 and GlobalMap 6500,
7500) no longer have the Map Dataset Choice menu, as indicated in
their respective manuals.
Navigate Trail or Route
• The Navigate Trail/Route procedure has changed from the instruc-
tions listed in the manual. The procedure no longer includes the
step featuring the Navigate Option window.
• The LCX manual (part 988-0151-311) did not include MMC card in-
stallation instructions for the LCX-110 and LCX-111. This adden-
dum describes those steps.
• Both the LCX series and the GlobalMap series have two communica-
tions ports to exchange NMEA 0183 position data with other de-
vices. This addendum includes the wiring diagram for Com Port 2.
• The drawings showing unit dimensions and cable connections for the
LCX series (manual part 988-0151-311) have changed.
Map Dataset Choice menu
• The Map Dataset Choice menu, now featured only in the units with
the 20 gigabyte hard drive (LCX-26C HD and LCX-111C HD), has
five options: Standard, NauticPath, Fishing Hot Spots
Lowrance MMC/SD and Navionics
. The Standard, NauticPath
and Fishing Hot Spots Elite settings pull information from the
unit's hard drive, so there is no need to place a card into one of