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-= A L I N K T O T H E P A S T =-
| FAQ/Walkthrough || Version 1.13 || June 18, 2004
| by Michael Gonzalez (Coffee) <mpgonzalez@gmail.com>
| http://www.geocities.com/coffeefaqs
1) Introduction
2) Story
3) Controls
4) Walkthrough
5) Bosses
6) Heart Piece Locations
7) Items
8) Secrets
9) Credits & Info
Version 1.13 (06/18/2004)
- Changed email address (Gmail!)
Version 1.12 (03/13/2003)
- Removed game credits to avoid controversy :P
Version 1.11 (11/25/2002)
- Formatting changes
- Updated website URL
Version 1.1 (11/17/2002)
- Added game credits
Version 1.0 (03/30/2001)
- Ladies and gentlemen, the FAQ is done
Version 0.9 (03/23/2001)
- Walkthrough *almost* complete
- Heart Pieces are complete
- Expect another update very very soon!