Related Hardware Documents
This section contains descriptions of hardware documentation for products
related to the Sun StorEdge A5000 Disk Array.
Number Document Title
Sun StorEdge SBus FC-100 Host Adapter Installation and
Service Manual
Contains installation and service information for the Sun StorEdge
SBus FC-100 host adapter, including generic installation
instructions and remove and replace procedures for gigabit
interface converters (GBICs).
Sun StorEdge PCI FC-100 Host Adapter Installation and
Service Manual
Contains installation for the PCI FC-100 host adapter.
Sun StorEdge FC-100 Hub Installation and Service Manual
Contains installation and service information for the Sun StorEdge
FC-100 Hub.
Sun Enterprise 6x00/5x00/4x00/3x00 Systems SBus+ I/O Boards
Installation Guide
Provides instructions for the installation or replacement of the Sun
Enterprise SBus+ I/O boards. The SBus+ board supports three SBus
cards. These boards can be installed in Sun Enterprise 6
x00, 5x00,
x00, and 3x00 systems.
Sun Enterprise Caster Base Installation Guide
Describes how to stack a Sun StorEdge A5000 Disk Array on a Sun
Enterprise 4
x00 system and caster base.
Sun StorEdge FC-100 Hub Rackmounting Installation Card
This 2x3-inch card refers users to 805-0315 for instructions on
installing hubs in a rack. It also refers users to 802-6945 for rack
placement information.
GBIC Installation Card
This 2x3-inch card refers users to 802-7572 and 802-7573 for
instructions on installing gigabit interface converters (GBICs).
Sun StorEdge A5000 Rackmounting Card
This 2x3-inch card refers users to 802-7573 for instructions on
installing the disk array in a rack. It also refers users to 802-6945 for
rack placement information.
X-Option Installation Card
This 2x3-inch card refers users to 802-7573 for instructions on
installing x-options in the disk array.
Sun Documentation on the Web
The docs.sun.com web site enables you to access Sun technical
documentation on the Web. You can browse the docs.sun.com archive or
search for a specific book title or subject at:
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
We are interested in improving our documentation and welcome your
comments and suggestions. You can email your comments to us at:
Please include the part number of your document in the subject line of your
Sun StorEdge™ A5000
Installation and
Documentation Guide
Includes the Entire Series of StorEdge
A5000 Disk Arrays (Formerly the Sun
Enterprise Network Array
Gigabit interface converter
Fiber optic cable
Sun StorEdge
Interface board
Sun StorEdge
FC-100 Hub
SBus FC-100 Host Adapter
Sun StorEdge A5000 Disk Array
Part Number: 805-1903-15
Revision A of February 1999
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