R Remote Operation Manual 1
R Remote
Operation Manual
Thank you for choosing a Yamaha product.
This operation manual explains setup and use of "R Remote," a Windows application that lets you
make head amp (subsequently "HA") settings for the Rio3224-D/Rio1608-D/Ri8-D (subsequently "R
series") units.
One computer can make head amp settings for up to eight R series units.
■ Precautions(Please be sure to read this section first!)
・ Yamaha Corporation owns exclusive copyrights for the R Remote, and the operation manual.
・ It is prohibited to duplicate or modify the firmware, software or manuals, in part or in their
entirety, without permission from the copyright owner.
・ The screen shots in this guide are for use with this update procedure only and may be different
from the actual screen shots.
・ This software was not produced with the intention to support touch-panel operation in Windows 8
/ Windows 8.1, so we cannot guarantee operation if a touch-panel is used.
・ Dante is a registered trademark of Audinate.
・ Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft ® Corporation in the United States and other
・ The company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.