
Fast / Slow Switch
Status & Fault Indication
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All batteries have a finite capacity and life. Both of these are affected by the way the battery is charged
and discharged. A high discharge rate will reduce both the capacity (number of flashes available from a
full charge) and the time to end of life (the point at which the battery is deemed to be unusable).
The Fast/Slow switch provides the user with a means of controlling how fast the attached monolights
are charged and consequently how quickly the Battery Cassette is discharged. Unless a particular set-
up and application requires Fast charge then it is recommended that Slow mode is always selected to
achieve the maximum capacity and life of the Battery Cassette. Only use Fast when the job requires a
continual fast recycle time.
It is not possible to give recycle times for all combinations of monolights, flash settings, battery state
temperature etc. The following equation will give a very approximate recycle time for a fully charged
battery at normal ambient temperature:-
Where ʻPower A, Power Bʼ etc is the power rating or setting of each monolight fitted in Ws or Joules,
ʻCharge Rateʼ is 200 for Slow and 500 for Fast and ʻMonosʼ is the number of monolights fitted.
As a guide typical charge times for 750Ws monolight set to maximum and flashed simultaneously from
a fully charged Battery Cassette are as follows:
Number of 750Ws
Monolights Fitted.
Typical Time to ALL Monolights
Ready in Slow Mode (seconds)
Typical Time to ALL Monolights
Ready in Fast Mode (seconds)
1 4.2 2.0
2 8.2 3.7
3 12.1 5.5
4 16.4 7.4
If the unit is worked heavily then it will automatically ramp down the charge rate to control the internal
temperature and hence it will take longer to recycle the attached Gemini. To overcome this either slow
the rate of flashing or wait for the unit to cool.
Note: Even if Fast is selected the TurboPak will override it as the battery becomes discharged or the
internal temperature increases. The temperature and battery monitors work together to slow the charge
progressively. As a rough guide when the amber battery indicator starts to show, the attached
monolights will start to charge at a slower rate. This can be overcome by changing the battery module
for a fully charged one or by using a Battery Extender. In addition, a mains or car charger is available;
the pack may be used with a charger connected so that the battery is always being topped up.
The following will be indicated if the pack status changes or a fault occurs:-
1) Monolight Not Charging - ALL charge is disabled if a fitted monolight is not charging correctly.
This is indicated by the associated charge LED slowly flashing. This automatically resets after
approximately 1 minute or can be reset manually by switching the Fast/Slow switch or
changing the status of any of the fitted monolights i.e. switch on or off, fit or remove the cable.
The fault indication will re-occur if there is a genuine problem.
2) Overheat - ALL charge is disabled if the TurboPak internal temperature exceeds a preset
threshold. This is indicated by the charge indicator LEDs flashing briefly in pairs in the order
A and B, C and D, A and B etc. This automatically resets when the TurboPak cools sufficiently
for normal operation. Check the vents for obstruction and confirm that the fan is operational.
3) Powerdown/Standby - ALL charge is disabled if none of the fitted monolights is flashed within
a ten minute period. This is indicated by all four charge LEDs flashing briefly together at 2
second intervals. This can be reset manually by switching the Fast/Slow switch or changing
the status of any of the fitted monolights i.e. switch on or off, fit or remove the cable.
4) Flat Battery - ALL charge is disabled if the Battery Module charge state is deemed to be too
low for correct operation. This is indicated by the Battery condition LEDs flashing slowly. This
will normally start with the Red LED flashing first but, if the charger is left connected and
switched on, progressively more LEDs will flash as the Battery Module charges. This
automatically resets after approximately 4 minutes but will re-occur unless the Battery Module
has received sufficient charge to continue.
Typical Flash Capacity
Number Of Monolights Fitted
Power Rating X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4
125Ws 1600 800 530 400
250Ws 800 400 266 200
375Ws 540 270 180 135
500Ws 400 200 166 100
750Ws 260 130 86 65
1000Ws 200 100 66 50