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Search terms are captured when you enter a term and the
“Search” button is clicked. Terms are also captured when
you select a term from the Subject Guide. Scroll down the
list to see search history. To execute a search from the list,
select the search term and click the “Search” button next
to the Search History box or double-click the search term.
There will be one history list for the entire product, not one
for each search path. Search history is automatically cleared
when you either “time out” of a session or leave a session.
You may also clear the search history by clicking the “Clear
History” button in the search history box. To view the
Search History, click on the “Search History” button.
While viewing search results and documents, you may want
to collect records in a Mark List, which allows you to set
aside any documents you’re interested in and then view and/
or retrieve them all at once, rather than doing so one by one.
To add items to your Mark List, check the box just to the
left of the citation. A check mark will appear in the box.
To remove, simply uncheck. You may collect up to 50
documents in your Mark List. When you reach this limit
you will be notified. You will then have to unmark some
items in order to add more.
To view your Mark List, click on the Mark List toolbar
button at the top of the page. You’ll see hyperlinks to the
different categories of documents you’ve collected. Click a
link to jump to that group of documents in the list. The total
number of items you have marked is also shown at the top
of the Mark List.
Note: Once you have exited Science Resource Center, your
Mark List will be lost, unless you InfoMarked it. Also, note
that your Mark List can expire after a certain period of
You can e-mail your Mark List or each document separately.
Options for e-mail format include: HTML; plain text or
plain text with bibliographic tags. Click on the e-mail icon
in the left sidebar. Also, you can print citations only or the
full document for each citation in each category. Click on the
Format Reference for Printing link at the top of each list.
When you are viewing your Mark List, you can move your
mouse over the icon for Web Page Generator and the follow-
ing menu will display:
*Note: For more information on Web Page Generator, see
the next section on “InfoMark Web Page Generator.”