22 312375J
Kit Descriptions
Kit Description
255507 Complete Seal Kit; Severe Duty, CS
256866 Complete Seal Kit; Severe Duty, SS
255508 Complete Seal Kit; MaxLife, CM
256867 Complete Seal Kit; MaxLife, SM
255523 Throat Seal Kit; Severe Duty
255524 Throat Seal Kit; MaxLife, CM
257558 Throat Seal Kit; MaxLife, SM
255533 Piston Seal Kit
255539 Intake Kit; Severe Duty, CS
256865 Intake Kit; Severe Duty, SS
255540 Intake Kit; MaxLife, CM
256868 Intake Kit; MaxLife, SM
255551 Piston Seal Metal and Soft Kit CS and CM
257557 Piston Seal Metal and Soft Kit SS and SM
255557 Intake Valve Seal Metal and Soft Kit;
Severe Duty, CS
256869 Intake Valve Seal Metal and Soft Kit;
Severe Duty; SS
255558 Intake Valve Seal Metal and Soft Kit;
MaxLife, CM
256870 Intake Valve Seal Metal and Soft Kit;
MaxLife, SM
255577 Priming Piston Rod Kit; Severe Duty, CS
256871 Priming Piston Rod Kit; Severe Duty, SS
255578 Priming Piston Rod Kit; MaxLife; CM
256872 Priming Piston Rod Kit; MaxLife, SM
255604 Outlet Kit, CS; see page 20 for parts
included in kit
257561 Outlet Kit, SS; see page 20 for parts
included in kit
255610 Intake Cylinder Kit, CS; see page 20 for
parts included in kit
257560 Intake Cylinder Kit, SS; see page 20 for
parts included in kit
255615 Bleed Valve Kit; CS
255616 Bleed Valve Kit; SS
255618 Enclosed Wet Cup Seal Kit; MaxLife
255696 Enclosed Wet Cup Kit; MaxLife, CS
257559 Enclosed Wet Cup Kit; MaxLife, SS
16F205 Complete Seal Kit; PTFE Alternative;
includes all PTFE Alternative kits listed
under 60cc and 100cc Packing Kits,
page 23
60cc Displacement Pumps
257530 Displacement Rod Kit; Severe Duty,
L060CS and L060SS; see page 20 for
parts included in kit
257531 Displacement Rod Kit; MaxLife, L060CM
and L060SM; see page 20 for parts
included in kit
257532 Cylinder Kit; Severe Duty, L060CS and
257533 Cylinder Kit; MaxLife, L060CM and
100cc Displacement Pumps
255569 Displacement Rod Kit; Severe Duty,
L100CS and L100SS; see page 20 for
parts included in kit
255570 Displacement Rod Kit; MaxLife, CM and
SM; see page 20 for parts included in kit
255591 Cylinder Kit; Severe Duty, L100CS and
255592 Cylinder Kit; MaxLife, L100CM and
Kit Description