XII. Centerboards kn.°t to make fo! a seven-inch extension. To
raIse the board, Just pull upon the handle and
. slide the line into the cleat just below the last
~he centerboard syst~m (Pate~t Pendmg), figure-eight knot. The removable spring is
';Vhlch has ~lready be~n mstalled m each hull, shown with the board in Figure 38. To remove
IS a revolutIonary desIgn made easy to operate.
The centerboards are spring loaded for ease of
adjustment. Note the small handle exiting the
deck from atop the centerboard well. The board
is held in the fully "up" position by the figure- ,
eight knot in the line. It may be desirable to
install a small stainless steel washer between
the top figure-eight knot and the centerboard
handle. When the handle is lifted slightly and
moved forward, the tension is released and the
board is free to drop into the fully extended
Most sailors prefer to place several knots at
different locations along the line to allow for
centerboard adjustment. Several adjustment .
knots can be placed in the line at one time to FIg. 38
permit the boards to extend to a variety of the board, untie the knots that exit thru the
depths. When the board is fully extended deck and slowly release.
it should reach 14 inches as measured The boards then can be removed by unhook-
from the bottom of the hull to the tip of ing them from the bar in the board well. The
the board. Most sailors like at least one other spring can be removed by itself once the board
is lowered out of the well approximately 16
ILowered position)