Hobie HOBIE17 Boat User Manual

XI. Installing the Wings 1. Place the trapeze wire and hookup outside
of the wings as in Figure 29.
Now that the entire boat is rigged, you're 2. ~o insert t~e wings, simply work the inser-
ready to insert the wings for sailing. We've tIon tub~s Into the hull.sockets an .inc~ or
saved the wings for last to prevent you from so at a time. Push one sIde of the WIng Into
constantly having to step around them while the tube, then the other and continue
you performed the other rigging chores. .alternating until both sides are completely
It is very important that the wings be com-
pletely inserted when sailing or whenever any ~f the wings cannot be easily inserted using
load is applied to them. Failure to completely thIS syste~, check t~e.end caps for debris (such
insert the wings will result in hull and/or wing as sand), Improper fItting or metal burrs.
damage. You have inserted the wings com-
pletely when the band of tape on the outboard
side of each insertion tube aligns with the top CAUTION
of the boat deck. For correct distances, please
check drawing below. Be sure to cover the hull wing openings with
the four white caps after removing the wings.
This can be especially important when freezing
conditions exist. If any water is allowed into
the sockets and then freezes, hull damage could
result. When storing the boat for extended
periods, use tape and/or silicone to seal the
holes more effectively. Maximum load capacity
on the wing is 350 lb.
,.,~- USE TAPE TO ""'CA~ ~ LCGS
If cap extends out II
past aluminum tubing. II
file down until flush
~ with tube.
~ 1"Widetape
11" AFT
(j 3 " II If aluminum tubing
:- 14 Y4 FWD. extends past cap. file
{ f / WING CAP INSTAllATION s~arp corners flush
""",j with cap.