18. Step onto the trampoline and place your
foot on the rear crossbar.
19. Keeping all the weight on that foot, lift the
mast being sure to keep it rotated so the
yellow arrows are aligned. Refer to Fig. 23. t-
Fig. 26
with one hand to stabilize the mast once it
is completely up, while you perform the
next step with the other hand..
22. Take up the slack in the main halyard (Fig.
Fig 23 27) and secure the main halyard to the
. . . mast rotation bar or the mast base, which-
20. S~I~g your arms over your head .while ever is most comfortable for you. Tie it
shIftIng your body under the mast. (FIg. 24) very securely with a double or triple hitch
(see "Knots" on page 17). Remember, the
knot you tie here will have to support the
total weight of the mast once you release
forward pressure. Due to the distance and
characteristics of the line, try to pull some
stretch into it.
Fig. 24
21. Push the mast up and over your head, then
walk it forward grasping hand-over-hand
as you go. (Figs. 25, 26) If you are raising
the mast alone, maintain forward pressure
Fig. 27
23. When you're certain the halyard is secure,
walk forward, clear the bridles of any
wraps and attach the cleared bridle to the
ten-hole adjuster you installed during step
6 of chapter VI. Insert the clevis pin and
Ig. - 15 -