Before completing step 1.0, check the threads Once the boat has been sailed a few times it
of the crossbar bolts (part no. 7) by hand screw- takes on "normal set." In other words, the
ing them into each anchor bar (part no. 8). If crossbar and hulls will set and need retighten-
the bolt will not thread easily, use a tap and die ing. This setting also occurs after trailering
to clear the threads. Use an anti-seizing lubri- any long distance. This tightening procedure
cant such as Never-SeeZi!J to help prevent cross- should be performed periodically.
threading and galling.
11. Once each bolt is tightened securely, insert
10. Now that the boat is framed, you can insert the four plastic caps (part no. 9) into each
the crossbar bolts (part no. 7) into each of existing access hole in the crossbars. If the
the access holes on the inboard side of each track on the rear crossbar intereferes with
crossbar. The access holes can be seen in the covers, slice a small piece of the cap off
the center of the crossbar in Figure 3. To using a razor blade. (See Figure 6.)
help align the bolt and anchor bar under
the rail, use one of the other bolts to hold
the anchor bar in position while starting to
thread the assembly from the top using the
1/4-inch alIen wrench. (See Figures 4 and 5
for reference.)
Fig. 6
12. Lace the trampoline using the supplied
length of 1/4-inch lace line (part no. 10).
Thread the line by alternating trampoline
grommets on each side. Tie one end off to
Fig 4 the last grommet and eyestrap (see Fig. 7).
" . Work the lace line tighter and tighter be-
. tween the grommets from each end, then
secure the line once again at each end as in
Fig. 7.
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Fig. 7
Fig. 5