3. There is no bottom reading visible on the display.
In very deep water, it may be necessary to increase the sensitivity setting
manually to maintain a graphic depiction of the bottom. If you are using a
that the switch isin thecorrect position to connecta transducerthatis in the
water.(Ifa trollingmotortransducerisselectedandthetrollingmotorisoutof
the water,no sonar information appears.) If none of these actions solves the
in the outer casing of the cable. If the transducer is connected to the unit
through a switch, temporarily connect it directly to the unit and try again. If
noneoftheseactions identifies anobviousproblem,thetransduceritself may
beat fault. Besure to includethetransducerif returning the unit for repair.
4. When in very shallow water, I get gaps in the bottom reading and
inconsistent digital depth indication.
The PiranhaMAX™ will work reliably in water 3 feet (90 cm) or deeper.
Remember that the depth is measured from the transducer, not from the
surfaceof the water.
5. The unit comes on before I press the POWER-MENU key, and won’t
turn off.
Check the transducer cable — if the outer jacket of the cable has been cut
fromthe unitand see ifthe problem is corrected, toconfirm thesource of the
6. I get gaps in the reading at certain speeds.
The suction cup mount is designed for quick, easy installation and removal,
NOTfor highspeed operation. Ifyou intendto operateyourboat atanyspeed
the sonar data. See your Installation Guide for suggestions on adjusting the
transducer position, height,andrunningangle.