Humminbird Matrix 20 Fish Finder User Manual

Side Beam View
(QuadraBeam® Only)
Side BeamView shows sonar informationfrom both the leftand right 90° 455 kHz beams
andthe 200 kHz down-lookingbeam in one view.The top portionofthe display presentsa
historicallogofsonarreturns from the200kHzdown-lookingsonar.Thebottomportionof
thedisplaypresents ahistoricallogof sonarreturnsfromthe455kHzright-andleft-looking
sonar. New information appears at the top, and scrolls down the display in the 455 kHz
Windows. The sonar information from the side-looking beams reveal bottom contour,
structureand fish similartothe down-looking beam,but the areacovered is to the leftand
The distance covered by the right and left 90° beams is based on the depthsetting for the
down-looking beam, uptoa maximumof160 feet.
The digital readouts in the Side Beam View cannot be customized.
Side Beam View
Left Side 455kHz
Sonar History
Right Side 455kHz
Sonar History
200 kHz Sonar
History Window
Water Surface Linefor 455 kHz
Sonar History Windows