• Filtered and oiled air will allow the pump to operate more efficiently
and yield a longer life to operating parts and mechanisms.
• Lack of or an excessive amount of lubrication will affect the perfor-
mance and life of this pump. Use only recommended lubricants.
• DAILY Fill air line lubricator with a good grade of S.A.E. NO. 90W
non-detergent gear oil, adjust to 1 to 2 drops per minute.
• If pump is to be inoperative for more than a few hours at a time, dis-
connect air supply and relieve all pressure from the system.
It isrecommended thatan oiler beinstalled in the airline asclose aspos-
sible tothe pump.This increasesthe service lifeof thepump byreducing
wear of the air motor’s internal parts.
Should pump operate, but dispense little or no material, check for:
• Inadequate supply of material or possible malfunctioning of 77006
Foot Valve which would prevent material from feeding into suction
• Dirt or foreign matter in 77006 Foot Valve or other cause which may
be preventing it from closing on downstroke of piston.
If unit should fail to operate,the following procedure will be helpful in de-
termining the cause:
• Checkair pressureat pumpto insureair lineis notobstructed andair
is being supplied to pump.
• If insufficient air isnot the trouble,disconnect air supplyto pump and
thendetach HoseandGun at75367Swivel. REMOVESLOWLY AS
PRESSURE MAY BE BUILTUP INPUMP. Holdrag atthis pointand
apply air to pump.If pumpnow operates,there is obstruction in ma-
terial line,reel, or control handle. If,however, pumpwill still notoper-
ate, consult local dealer,
PN 97999-420