Slide the selector switchto select a skill level.The selected level will be displayed in
Screen 1 (
for skill level 1,
for skill level 2,and
for skill level 3).
Skill Level 1—
Beginning letter soundswith two-letter word families
Skill Level 2—
Beginning letter soundsand three-letter word families
Skill Level 3—
Blends combined with two-and three-letter word families
Press either answer button to start the game.
TheWordWhiz drill begins aftera five-second countdown.Players now have sixty (60)
seconds to build asmany words as they can byselecting the correct beginning
letter/blend that builds areal word with the word familyin the center screen.
A“correct” soundgreets a correct answer while an“negative”sound and display
greets an incorrect answer.The correct word will alsodisplay.
Press and hold thePOWER button for one second tomute the sound and play in
silence.To restore the sound,press and holdthe POWER button again for onesecond,
or slide the selectorswitch to choose a new level.
In MUTE mode,the screen will flash toindicate a correct answer.
At the end of60 seconds,the unit will displaya score indicating the number ofcorrect
words built (top screen)out of the total number ofwords that appeared.
To play again,press any answer button to return to the level select screen.
Note—To disable the 60-second timer,press and hold ananswer button.The screen
will flash briefly and the timer will disable toallow for unlimited practice.There is no
scoring in untimed mode.Turn the game off and restart to play again in timedmode.
To save battery power,WordWhiz Electronic Flash Card
will power down
automatically if there isno activity after three minutes.
Battery Information
Installingor ReplacingBatteries
WARNING!To avoid battery leakage,
please followthese instructionscarefully.
Failure tofollow theseinstructions can
resultin battery acidleakage that may
cause burns,personal injury,and property
Requires:3 x1.5VAAAbatteriesand a
• Batteriesshouldbeinstalledorreplacedbyan
• WordWhizElectronicFlashCard™requires(3)
• Thebatterycompartmentislocatedonthe
• Toinstallbattery,firstundothescrewwitha
• Replacecompartmentdoorandsecurewith
Battery Care and MaintenanceTips
• Use(3) threeAAA batteries.
• Besure toinsertbatteries correctly(with
adultsupervision) andalwaysfollowthe toy
andbattery manufacturer’sinstructions.
• Donot mixalkaline,standard (carbon-zinc),
orrechargeable (nickel-cadmium)batteries.
• Donot mixnewand usedbatteries.
• Insertbattery withthecorrect polarity.
Positive (+)andnegative (-)ends must be
insertedin thecorrect directions as
indicatedinside thebatterycompartment.
• Donot rechargenon-rechargeablebatteries.
• Onlycharge rechargeablebatteriesunder
• Removerechargeable batteriesfromthe toy
• Onlyuse batteriesofthe sameorequivalent
• Donot short-circuitthesupply terminals.
• Alwaysremoveweak ordeadbatteries from
• Removebatteries ifproductwill bestored
foran extendedperiodof time.
• Storeat roomtemperature.
• To clean,wipethesurface oftheunit witha
• Pleaseretain theseinstructionsfor future