At left, standard FishReveal mode. Right, Inverted Fish Reveal mode.
The rate that echoes scroll across the screen is called the chart scroll
speed. The default for this unit is 60 percent; we recommend that you
leave the scroll speed set there for virtually all fishing conditions.
However, you might consider experimenting with chart speed when you
are stationary or drifting very slowly. You may sometimes achieve bet-
ter images as you slow down the chart speed to match how fast you are
moving across the bottom.
Switching to a scroll speed faster than 60 percent can be helpful when
running at high speed. Any setting greater than 60 switches the unit to
HyperScroll. This feature scrolls the echoes at an extremely high rate
of speed, giving you the maximum screen update.
If you are at anchor, ice fishing or fishing from a dock, experiment with
a chart speed of 20 percent. If you are drifting slowly, try a chart speed
of 40 percent. When you are stationary and a fish swims through the
sonar signal cone, the image appears on the screen as a long line in-
stead of a fish arch. Reducing the chart speed may result in a shorter
line that more closely resembles a regular fish return.