Revision 1.8 Appendix B – NMEA 2000
Interfacing Page B3
Message Name Description
01 Deviation Calibration
This message is transmitted at the beginning of the magnetic
deviation calibration process.
02 Deviation Calibration
Completed Successfully
This message is transmitted upon successful completion of the
magnetic deviation calibration process (i.e., a new deviation table
has been stored in permanent memory).
03 Deviation Calibration
Failed to Complete
The SSC200 attempts to perform calibration 5 times before
giving up and issuing this sentence. Each time the SSC200
encounters an error (see message identifiers 04, 05, and 06) it
restarts the calibration process. Upon the 5
error, the SSC200
exits the calibration routine and it must be restarted before it will
once again try to perform deviation calibration.
04 Deviation Calibration
Turning Too Fast
During calibration, the vessel must not turn to fast where the
SSC200 is unable to reliably develop deviation data. If the
SSC200 senses the vessel turning to quickly, it will issue this
message and restart deviation calibration as long as it has not
failed five times.
05 Deviation Calibration
Turning Too Slow
During calibration, the vessel must not turn to slowly where the
SSC200 is unable to reliably develop deviation data. If the
SSC200 senses the vessel turning to slowly, it will issue this
message and restart deviation calibration as long as it has not
failed five times.
06 Deviation Calibration
Invalid Movement
During calibration, the vessel must not jerk or reverse directions
where the SSC200 is unable to reliably develop deviation data. If
the SSC200 senses an invalid movement, it will issue this
message and restart deviation calibration as long as it has not
failed five times.
SSC200 NMEA 2000
Received PGNs
PGN 126208 – NMEA Command Group Function – Maretron Proprietary Reset
This will initiate a reset and force the SSC200 to start the calibration process.
Field 1: Complex Command Group Function Code (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x01,
which denotes a command PGN
2: Commanded PGN (24 bits) – set this field’s value to 126720, which denotes the
Maretron proprietary PGN
3: Priority Setting (4 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x8, which indicates to leave priority
settings unchanged
4: Reserved (4 bits) – set this field’s value to 0xF, which is the value for a reserved field
of this size
5: Number of Pairs of Commanded Parameters to Follow (8 bits) – set this field’s value
to 0x4, indicating that four parameters will follow
6: Number of First Commanded Parameter (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x1
7: Maretron Vendor ID and Industry Code (16 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x9889
8: Number of Second Commanded Parameter (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x02
9: Product Code (16 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x1B2, which is the NMEA 2000
product code for the SSC200.
10: Number of Third Commanded Parameter (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x03
11: Software Code (16 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x0001, which is the identifier for
this version of the Maretron proprietary protocol