Use of this product and participation in the sport involves inherent risks of injury or
• Do not use at speeds that exceed skills of the rider. Boat speed should never
exceed 20 mph for adults and 15 mph for children.
• This product should never be used by children except under adult supervision.
• This is not a personal otation device.
• Always wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved Type III (PFD) Life Jacket.
• Never place wrists or feet through handles or towing harness. Ensure tow rope is
clear of all body parts prior to or during use.
• Rider should keep feet out of the water.
• Watercraft driver is responsible for the ride since the tube cannot be controlled by
the rider. Always have a person other than the driver as an observer.
• Watercraft driver should avoid excessive speed or sharp turns which might cause
the tube to ip over abruptly resulting in serious injury to the rider.
• Do not tow in shallow water or near shore, docks, pilings, swimmers or other
• Do not exceed the manufacturers recommended number of riders for your particu-
lar tube.
• Use a tow rope of at least 1500 lbs. average tensile strength for pulling a single
person, 2375 lbs. average tensile strength for pulling two people, 3350 lbs. aver-
age tensile strength for pulling for three people and 4100 lbs. tensile strength for
pulling four people on an inatable tube. The tow rope should be at least 50 feet in
length but not to exceed 65 feet.
• Do not operate watercraft or ride under the inuence of alcohol or drugs.
• Read Operator’s Manual before use.
This water sports product contains chemicals known to the State of California to
cause birth defects and other reproductive harm.