Sherwood SRB5900 Scuba Diving Equipment User Manual

4. Install a Sherwood regulator support handle (p/n TL113) into one of the low-pressure ports. Use
the support handle and a 15" adjustable wrench or bench vise to loosen the yoke nut from
the body . See Photo #1.
5. Remove the yoke and yoke nut from the body.
6. Use a 5/32" Allen wrench to remove all remaining port plugs from the body.
7. Use the Sherwood regulator support handle and a 15" adjustable wrench or a bench vise to
remove the cap from the main body. If the regulator is an Oasis or Blizzard model, the trim
ring will slide off at this time.
8. Remove the spring , any shims , and the piston assembly from the cap. Remove
both piston O-rings and discard them.
9. Remove the piston seat by pushing through the stem with the Sherwood piston seat
removal tool (p/n TL112) from the large end. The seat will then pop out. Discard the old seat.
10. Using a 3/32" Allen wrench, remove the flow control element assembly from inside the large
end of the main body. There are two styles of flow control assemblies. The old style with a
sintered stainless steel flow restrictor and the new style flow restrictor that is laser drilled P/N
5105-13 with a white filter P/N 5105-14. The new style complete assembly part number is
5105-15. If the regulator has the old style flow restrictor and it is functioning (13 to 27 cc/min) it
can be reused, however if it needs to be replaced use the new style. The black gasket can be
reused. The new style restrictor can be cleaned if it becomes plugged. Remove the white filter
and discard it. The white filter must be replaced P/N 5105-14. The laser drilled flow restrictor
can be cleaned in an ultrasonic cleaner and reused. The flow requirement for the new flow
control assembly is 20 to 30 cc/min.
: If a Sherwood DIN adapter (p/n SAA5300)is installed in place of the normal yoke assembly, remove it
at this time. See Sherwood Scuba Technical Bulletin #104 for servicing procedures for the SAA5300 DIN adapter.
Photo #1