SUPRA - 53© 2005 Skier’s Choice, Inc.
V-Drive remote oil filter is mounted on the ski pylon bracket.
V-Drive Remote Oil Filter
The oil filter is located below the engine. The engine manufacturer
recommends that you change the oil and oil filter after the first 10-
20 hours use of your new boat. Thereafter, to maximize engine life,
change oil and filter after every 50 hours of use (See Engine
Crankcase oil should be selected to deliver the highest performance
for your operating conditions and climate. In general, engine oils
with lower viscosity ratings are used when temperatures remain
low or when better fuel economy is desired. Oils with higher
viscosity ratings are used when temperatures remain higher and
when higher performance is expected from the engine.
The Engine Manufacturer recommends Pennzoil 15W-40 Marine
Motor Oil. If this is unavailable, use a 15W-40 motor oil with an
A.P.I. classification rating of SL/SJ/CI4/Ch4/CG4 or equivalent.
REFER TO ENGINE MANUAL for more information.
Engine Oil and Filter
Oil Level Check
Engine oil level should be checked at regular intervals (such
as every 5 engine hours). To obtain a true reading, when
the engine is at operating temperature and turned off, check
the oil level showing on the dipstick.
If the oil level is between the “FULL” and the “ADD” marks
on the dipstick, simply replace the dipstick. When the oil
level is at or below the “ADD” mark, add oil to return the
level to the “FULL” mark.