The condition of the battery can be known
by checking the specific gravity of the elec-
trolyte. However, you can also know the con-
dition of the battery by measuring the
voltage at both battery terminals. Charge
the battery if the voltage is less than
12 volts.
It is recommended to have a Yamaha dealer
check the specific gravity and to charge the
battery. If you maintain the battery yourself,
be sure to read and follow the instructions
provided with the battery tester and charger
you use.
Specific gravity (for reference):
1.28 at 20 °C (68 °F)
Cleaning the watercraft
Clean the watercraft before storing it for a
long period.
1. Wash down the hull, handlebars, and
drive unit with fresh water.
2. Rinse the engine and bilge area with
fresh water. Drain off all water and wipe
up remaining moisture with clean, dry
3. Spray the engine’s exterior with Yamaha
Silicone Protectant and Lubricant.
4. Wax the hull with a non-abrasive wax
such as Yamaha Silicone Wax.
5. Wipe all vinyl and rubber components,
such as the seat and engine compart-
ment seals, with a vinyl protectant such
as Yamaha Protectant.
UF1K11.book Page 6 Thursday, June 2, 2005 8:45 AM