How do I perform other phone operations without commanding my security system?
You can use your phone for transactions such as banking from home by temporarily disengaging
phone control to your security system. The following procedure will work for one call at a time.
To disengage local phone control:
1. Enter # + 7 + 3. The system responds by returning a dial tone.
2. Pick up the phone receiver and wait 5 seconds before dialing any numbers. After the 5 second
period, the system disables local phone control and ignores phone commands.
Testing the
The system contains a test mode that allows you to test sensors and panic signals without creating
false alarms in monitored systems. Please follow the instructions in this section carefully.
Automatic Test Features
Your security system conducts routine tests, checking for problems like power failures, low bat-
teries, sensors that aren’t working, and communication trouble with the central monitoring sta-
When your system detects a problem, trouble beeps sound to alert you. See “Troubleshooting”
for an explanation of the causes of trouble beeps and what you can do to fix the problem.
Manual Tests
The automatic tests your system performs provide continuing reassurance that it is working prop-
erly. There are also weekly system tests you can do yourself as an added safeguard. Taking time
to do these tests will familiarize you with your system and alert you to anything unusual, such as
cut phone lines or sensors that have been tampered with.
Sensor Test
Make sure system is dis-
armed when performing sen-
sor tests.
This test verifies that the sensors in your system are operating correctly. The ability to conduct a
sensor test is a code attribute.
Check the User Sheets in Appendix A to see which access codes have the ability to conduct a
sensor test. See “Assigning Code Attributes” or talk to your installer for information on changing
code attributes.
Sensor test reports are sent to the central station at the beginning and end of system tests.
To enter Test Mode:
1. Press 8 + CODE + 3.
Touchpads display, “Press Status. System Armed to Sensor Test,” or “] SENSOR TEST nn
MINUTES LEFT.” When less than 5 minutes remain in Test Mode time, the system sounds a
short beep every 60 seconds. System test
2. Follow the test procedure for each device as listed in the table below.
Device Test Procedure Touchpad Result(s)
Touchpad Send a:
Police panic alarm,
Fire panic alarm, and
Auxiliary panic alarm.
• Touchpad Panic POLICE OK
• Touchpad Panic FIRE OK
• Touchpad Panic AUXILIARY OK
Wireless Touchpad Press the Bypass key.
• Zones nn OK