
DMX Linking:
DMX function allows independent control of each xture. Use any
universal DMX controller to access the different traits associated with
the MB DMX. A reference of different DMX traits is printed on page 21
of this manual. Link the units together using standard DMX cable as
described on pages 5 and 6.
To next DMX unit or terminate.
MB DMX™ Operation
©American DJ® - www.americandj.com - MB DMX™ Instruction Manual Page 9 ©American DJ® - www.americandj.com - MB DMX™ Instruction Manual Page 10
Operating Modes: The MB DMX
may be operated in three dif-
ferent modes. Always be sure to disconnect the power supply after
changing the operating mode, this allows the unit to reset to the new
operating mode. Failure to disconnect the power supply after chang-
ing the operating mode may cause the unit to function improperly.
• Stand alone mode - The unit will rotate to the pre-defined speed
set with the dip switches. You can also use the optional MINI/C
remote to control a blackout function.
• Master/Slave mode - You can daisy chain up to 16 units together
to get synchronized motor rotation. The motor will rotate to a preset
speed. You can also use the optional MINI/C remote to control a
blackout function.
• DMX control mode - This function will allow you to control each
unit’s individual traits with a standard DMX 512 controller such as the
American DJ® and LSC® DMX Operator™ or Show Designer.
Stand-Alone Operation: This function allows a single unit to oper-
ate to any of the presets using the dipswitches. Only use this function
when running a single unit, or when running several units as individu-
als. Please note this function does not allow individual control of the
DMX traits.
1. To activate the Stand-Alone mode, locate the dipswitches on the
side of the unit and flip dipswitch 10 to the “on” position.
2. Follow the dipswitch chart on page 14 to select a preset speed
and to control mirror ball rotation direction.
3. Attach the mirror ball to the motor and connect main power.
4. The optional MINI/C Blackout Controller may be used in this
mode to control blackout.
Master/Slave Operation: This function will allow you to link up to
16 units together without the use of an external controller. In Master/
Slave operation one unit will act as the controlling unit and the others
will react to the controlling units presets. Any unit can act as a Master
or as a Slave. Please note this function does not allow individual con-
trol of the DMX traits and will only run to the units built-in programs.
1. Using standard XLR microphone cables, as described on pages
six and seven, daisy chain your units together via the XLR connec-
MB DMX™ Linking