
Chapter 3 The Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility
User Configuration File Format
Cisco SCA BB SNMP Real Time Monitoring User Guide
3-4 OL-12491-01
rtmcmd User Configuration File Example
The following is an example rtmcmd user configuration file:
#The absolute path to the RRD tool's execution files folder
#Use '\\' or '/' as path separator
#The absolute path where RTM files will be placed.
#This path will be used by MRTG to create and update the RRD files
#Note: path must not contain white spaces!
#The absolute path to the MRTG bin folder.
#This path will be used to create file crontab.txt
#The SCE's community string
User Configuration File Format
The configuration text file is a listing of key-value pairs, where the key is one of the parameters
listed in the User Configuration File (on page 3-3) section, in the following format:
Each key-value pair is on a separate line.
A key-value pair may be extended across several adjacent lines by putting a backslash
character, "\", at the end of each line.
To use an actual backslash in the value (as in directory names on Windows), the backslash
should be escaped with another backslash, like this: "\\", or a slash "/" can be used instead.
To comment a line, add '#' or '!' at the beginning of the line.
For example:
# This is a comment line.
# Directory names should uses escape backslashes:
Files and Directories
The real-time monitoring process requires that you specify a number of files and directories.
Following is a brief summary of all relevant files and directories and where you must specify
User configuration file:
rrdtool_bin_dir—Directory where MRTG and the web server will find the RRDTool
binary files