Release Notes for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express Release 1.1
System Requirements
Caution Both eth0 and eth1 need individual IP addresses and distinct hostnames that are fully
qualified, including the domain name. The distinct hostname must be able to resolve in the
DNS server with that associated IP address. Otherwise, users outside the local domain cannot
access the web interfaces.
The distinct hostname must be able to resolve in the DNS server with that associated IP
• Port 1 (eth0) is primarily used for voice media and HTTP signaling and for the End-User Interface
and Administration Center. The hostname associated with port 1 is the one that end users see.
• Port 2 (eth1) is primarily used for web conferencing.
• If connectivity is lost to port 1 (eth0), no voice connectivity is possible. Port 2 (eth1) cannot be used
as a redundancy solution.
Caution Both eth0 and eth1 must be accessible by end users. (You cannot have one connected to an
outside segment and the other connected to an inside segment unless connectivity is available
between those segments.)
Switch Requirements
The following requirements apply to all releases:
• Ensure that the network configuration for the two ports matches your switch configuration. This
configuration can be either 100 or 1000 Mbps full duplex.
• We do not recommend using 10 Mbps links and we do not support that for Release 1.1.2.
The following requirement applies to Release 1.1.2 only:
• Your switch must be set to auto negotiation if your speed is set to 1000 Mbps. Otherwise, the
interface will not synchronize with the switch and you will not see any network connectivity. If you
look at the back of the switch, it will show no connectivity and if you look at the back of the eth0
server, no lights will be lit.
Cisco Unified IP Phones That Support the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express System
The following Cisco Unified IP Phones support the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express application:
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940 G and G-GE series
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960 G and G-GE series
Note For Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940 G and G-GE and 7960 G and G-GE series, the minimum requirement
is to use firmware load “P00306000403” — which is version 6.0(4.3) — or later. To upgrade the
firmware, see the Cisco Unified CallManager documentation.
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 G series
• Cisco IP Communicator Release 1.1(5) or later