Bulletin # 273804
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Pioneer New Media Technologies, Inc., Product Development & Technical Support (310) 952-2111
4) Press Y on the keyboard while the drive is OFF.
5) Turn the DVR-S201 drive back ON.
6) Look for the message, “The DVR-S201 has been updated correctly to ver2.00.”
7) Press the spacebar on the keyboard to exit the program and reboot the computer.
Failed Upgrade
The upgrade is complete although the PC failed to ‘see’ the drive. If a Drive Not Found message appears
after rebooting the system, shut down the system then power it up again. Rebooting clears the message.
Launch the drive software and check the version level in the properties window. Shut down the program
after checking the version.
To check the drive firmware version using the bundled application, Crosswriter, follow the instructions
listed below.
1) Launch the Crosswriter program.
2) Select Information from the main menu.
3) Click on Version.
4) Confirm that the firmware version is 2.00.