Unit not plugged in to power outlet Make sure the unit is plugged in;
wait 10 seconds for full operation.
No alarm, no patron count
Circuit breaker off Reset facility circuit breaker; wait
10 seconds for full operation.
No alarm Tag unsecured Test system with another library
item known to have a secured tag.
Protected material from another
Identify material that caused the
Infrequent unwanted alarms
Failure to unsecure tags properly Follow correct checkout
procedures outlined in 3M
Check operator training
Failure to unsecure tags properly Follow correct checkout
procedures outlined in 3M
Check operator training
Frequent (daily) unwanted alarms
System failure
Place service call to 3M.
Metallic objects too close to the
Remove the object and maintain a
distance of 31.5 in. (80 cm) from
the detection system lattices.
Books not properly secured Retest with a properly secured
Reduced coverage, no alarm
System failure
Place a service call to 3M.
Incomplete walk through test Retest by walking through the
The light beam between the
photocell and the reflector in the
corridor must be interrupted to
increment the patron counter.
Patron counting is configured for
counting in the other direction
(for example, exiting instead of
Retest by walking through the
corridor in the opposite direction.
Patron counter did not increment
System failure
Place a service call to 3M.
Patron count too high or too low
Patron counting is configured
differently than expected.
See Patron counting on page 11.
Retest to verify patron counting
is configured correctly for your
library and the system orientation.*
In a multiple-corridor installation,
some lattices seem to be working
while other lattices do not
Power to only part of the detection
For detection systems with more
than four corridors, both ends
of detection system must be
connected to power.
* Patron counting direction (or whether patrons are counted entering and exiting) must be configured by a 3M trained technician.
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