
Customising the system
Section 7. Hazard (4-way flasher) Mode
With the motorcycle ignition off, system armed or disarmed, Hold the
‘key’ and ‘P’ button down simultaneously for approx 3 secs.
IIff tthhee iinnddiiccaattoorrss ffllaasshh ffiivvee ttiimmeess aanndd tthheenn ggoo oouutt,, tthheenn eeiitthheerr;;
A. The motorcycle ignition is on, or
B. The motorcycle battery is of insufficient voltage
TThhee ssyysstteemm mmoonniittoorrss tthhee mmoottoorrccyyccllee bbaatttteerryy wwhheenn iinn HHaazzaarrdd mmooddee.. IIff
tthhee mmoottoorrccyyccllee bbaatttteerryy vvoollttaaggee bbeeggiinnss ttoo ddeecclliinnee ttoo aa ppooiinntt wwhheerree yyoouurr
mmoottoorrccyyccllee mmaayy nnoo lloonnggeerr ssttaarrtt,, tthhee uunniitt wwiillll sswwiittcchh tthhee hhaazzaarrddss ooffff
Section 8. Customising the nudge sensor
In high winds, the nudge sensor may activate the system. It will
determine the rocking is an attempt to remove items such as fairing
panels, seat or luggage. Too many ‘nudges’ in a set period of time will
result in a full reaction. You can remove this function, and add it back
when it suits you.
With the alarm disarmed, and the ignition switched on, press the ‘P’
button. This will toggle the pre-alert function off and on. (3 flashes - off
and 6 flashes - on)
Section 9. Indicator warning
The Acumen CAT21 system can be set as a turn signal
reminder. It’s all too easy to leave indicators on - with possible
disastrous consequences. The system is set to have this function
enabled when it leaves our factory.
The indicator warning will ignore the first 20 flashes of your indicators,
then start to beep, quietly. It will get louder and louder to a maximum
loudness at 40 flashes.
TToo rreemmoovvee//aadddd tthhiiss ffuunnccttiioonn;;
Place the system in service mode (see section 3). With the motorcycle
ignition off press all three buttons on the remote transmitter for approx
5 seconds until the indicators flash rapidly.
10 flashes indicate the feature has been turned OFF
5 flashes indicates the feature has been turned ON.
Section 10. Motorcycle Over-voltage
If your motorcycle has problems with its own electrical system, you
may not be aware of this until it’s too late. Overcharging of the
motorcycle battery will result in greatly reduced battery life and
possible breakdown. The Acumen CAT21 system monitors your
motorcycle electrical system for over-voltage while the motorcycle is
being used (set at 16V). If the system has been subjected to over-
voltage, it will beep 3 times as soon as the ignition is switched off. If
this happens several times, we recommend you have your motorcycle
examined by an authorised dealer.