Heart Rate Mode
From Time Mode press MODE/SET button once to go to
Heart Rate Mode and begin your exercise.
e icon indicates the heart rate circuit is on. If your
transmitter is correctly attached, the clockicon should begin
to blink and your current heart rate in beats per minute will
come up on the display. If no heart rate or key action for
15 seconds, and for 5 minutes between two heart rates, the
heart rate circuit will switchitself off. To restart itby pressing
MODE/SET button.
Target Zone Alarm
Your Target Zone autosets based on age setting, modifying
it is optional.Your watch will provide both a visual indicator
(by flashing the heart rate digits) and an audible alarm (by
beeping with the rhythmicbeating of your current heartrate)
if your heart rate is above or below your target zone. The
TZ ‘‘ or icons will indicate that your heart
e is above, within or below the target zone respectively.
1. From Heart Rate Mode
press and hold MODE/
SET button to enter the
setting mode.
2. Age (blinking)
adjust the value.
PressMODE/SET buttonto
proceed to the next item.(If
you want to use the built-in
g of 65%-
85% of
skip steps 4 & 5.)
3. TargetZoneAlarm(blinking)
n thealarmto ONor OFF.
- Press MODE/SET button to
proceed to the next item.
Setting Your Personal Data
‘‘ ’’
‘‘ ’’
‘‘ ’’
- Press buton to
- Press buton to