Megabit Modem 400F User Manual 55
You can update software by specifying a device on your LAN where you will place new
software for the update (see “Defining TFTP Parameters” on page 30). Then, use the procedure
“Updating Software” on page 55 to download new software from the TFTP device to the
Megabit Modem 400F.
Through the RS-232 MGMT port on the Megabit Modem 400F, you can change the modem
LAN port IP address and network mask, the default gateway IP address, and the IP address for
the device on the LAN that can administer the modem (see page 57).
Updating Software
You may want to download software upgrades to your system. Use the Web page shown on
page 56 to initiate the upgrade. You download the new software from a TFTP server. You set
up the IP address for the TFTP server and a directory path to the software when you configure
system parameters in Chapter 5, “Defining SNMP Parameters” on page 31 or by clicking on
TFTP in the Upgrade Software menu and entering TFTP server parameters.
To update the Megabit Modem 400F software, ensure that the .bin file is available to download
from a TFTP server. The .bin file contains the bin (binary) image files for software updates and
htm (HTML) files for web page updates.