ADCP-75-169 • Issue 1 • June 2004
Page 5
© 2004, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
This section provides a brief description of various accessory items that are available separately.
The accessory items may or may not be required depending on the application.
3.1 Interface Panels
The interface panels are accessory items that are used when multiple EBTS’s require connection
to a single HU. Two types of panels are available: the Primary Interface Panel and the
Expansion Panel. The Primary Interface Panel, shown in Figure 3, provides combining and
splitting (as needed) of the forward and reverse path RF signal. The Primary Interface Panel also
provides attenuation of the forward path signal to the level required for input to the HU. Up to 6
EBTS’s may be connected to a single HU using the Primary Interface Panel.
Figure 3. Primary Interface Panel
The Expansion Panel, shown in Figure 4, is used in conjunction with the Primary Interface
Panel when more than 6 EBTS’s must be connected to a single HU. The Primary Interface Panel
can support two Expansion Panels and each Expansion Panel can support up to six EBTS’s. For
complete information about the SMR Interface Panels, refer to the Digivance Long Range
Coverage Solution SMR Interface Panels User Manual (ADCP-75-143).