12 © December 2004, ADIC
Upgrade Guidelines
When upgrading to AMASS 5.4, please make note of the following upgrade guidelines.
Upgrade Instructions
1 For pre-installation instructions for a specific storage device, refer to the Accessing Storage Devices
2 Make sure the UNIX server has the required operating system patch levels.
Read the hard disk partitioning, space requirements, and guidelines on partitioning the cache in the
“Getting Started” chapter in Installing AMASS.
3 Make sure the cache is empty by running the sysperf command and verifying that there are no dirty
cache blocks.
Use killdaemons to inactivate AMASS, unmount the file system, and kill the AMASS daemons.
4 Upgrade the UNIX operating system, if required.
5 Shut down and power off the UNIX server where AMASS will be installed.
6 Fibre-Attached Devices: Connect the storage devices to the Fibre-Channel bus on the server. The
Fibre-Channel driver must be one that maps World-Wide-Names to SCSI device names.
Network-Attached Devices: Connect the storage devices to the network.
The AMASS installation script retrieves and displays device addresses to aid you in the AMASS
configuration process.
Upgrade Guidelines
HP Tru64
To successfully install AMASS while using only part of a disk as the AMASS
cache, you must first verify that the c partition of the disk has a file system
type (fstype) of unused. Second, you must verify that the user amass
has read/write permission to the raw c partition (for example, /dev/
rdisk/dsk2c). You can get this permission by owning the file, belonging
to a group that owns the file, or allowing access to all users of the file.
NOTE: If you do not perform these two verifications when attempting to
start AMASS, you may get a message in the tac log that says the cache is
Before upgrading your software and/or firmware, ADIC recommends that the
AMASS database be backed up prior to performing the upgrade.
The following tasks are presented as guidelines only because the actual steps
are site-specific.
Run the sysdbchk utility to make sure there has been no database
Make a full backup of the AMASS File System Database and Journal by
running the amassbackup -fv command.