
IPPC-9120/9150 Series User's Manual
8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 General information
The IPPC-9120/9150 supports analog resistive-type and NFI-type touch-
screens. Analog resistive touchscreens are popular and affordable. NFI
offers advantages in exceptional brightness, clarity and readability.
8.1.2 Analog Resistive Touchscreen Specifications
Contact bounce: < 10 ms
Operating voltage: 5 V (typical)
Contact current: 20 mA (maximum)
Circuit resistance (open): > 30 mohms
Circuit resistance (closed): < 2000 mohms
Sheet resistance variation: Within one screen: ± 5% nominal
From screen to screen: ± 20% of nominal
Test conditions: 4 H hardness, 0.04" stylus pen, 350 gram load
Point activation:
Single point, position of stylus controlled to ± 0.0005"
Result: > 1 million activations
Linear activation:
2" diagonal line, position of stylus controlled to ± 0.0005"
Result: > 250,000 cycles
Chemical resistance:
Hard coating is highly resistant to most solvents and chemicals
Visible light transmission: 72% (typical)
Reflection: > 25% @ 550 nm
Sensor board
Chemical strengthened glass with 4 H hardness standard.
(Test condition: ASTM D3363-92A)
Ball drop test
Able to bear a 225 g steel ball dropped from 660 mm elevation without
Environmental specifications
Operating pressure: 30 ~ 45 grams for finger; 10 grams for stylus pen