Chapter 3: Placing Originals 36
Changing Removable Trays
Your Arcus 1200 contains a removable glass plate as well as a removable batch slide holder
frame. This paragraph explains how to remove this glass plate.
" Note: The batch slide holder frame, which you can use to scan transparencies, can be
removed in the same way.
Close the TPU.
Remove the glass plate as shown in the figure below.
: Make sure the TPU is closed, before you try to remove the glass plate or the batch slide
holder frame.
Placing Reflective Originals
You place a reflective original, such as a photograph, directly on the scanner's glass plate. The
Arcus 1200 has an adjustable TPU: when you scan a thick original (like a book or a magazine) on
the reflective glass plate, the TPU adjusts automatically to the thickness of the original. If
necessary, you can remove the TPU completely.
Open the TPU of the scanner.
" Note: Make sure the glass plate is inserted, otherwise the TPU is locked.
Place the original face down on the glass plate with the top side against the front ruler.