Chapter 3 U-Boot Firmware Overview
ATCA-C110/1G Installation and Use Manual
Using this configuration, the DHCP server will reply to a request from the target with the
Ethernet address 00:30:BF:01:02:D0, provided the following conditions are satisfied:
■ The target is located in the subnet which uses the netmask
■ The target has the hostname as atca and the IP address
■ The host with the IP address provides the boot image for the target and provides
NFS server function when the target mounts its root filesystem over NFS.
The host provides the file /tftpboot/ATCAC110/uImage as boot image for the target.
The target can mount the directory /opt/eldk/ppc_82xx on the NFS server as the root
Note The host listed with the next-server option can be different from the host that is running
the DHCP server.
Configuring an NFS Server
File sharing over the network, between the host and the target, is a convenient feature in a
development environment.
The easiest manner to setup sharing is when the host provides NFS server functionality and
exports a directory that can be mounted from the target as the root filesystem.
Assuming NFS server functionality is already provided by your host, the only configuration
required to be added, is an entry for your target root directory to your /etc/exports file, for
The above command exports the /opt/eldk/ppc_82xx directory with read and write
permissions to all hosts on the subnet.
After modifying the /etc/exports file ensure that the NFS system is notified about the change,
for example, by using the following command:
# /sbin/service nfs restart
Initialization of the ATCA-C110/1G Board
To initialize the U-Boot firmware running on the ATCA-C110/1G board, connect the Host COM
port to the board's serial console port. (COM5 port on the ARTM-C110).
The default configuration of the console port on the ATCA-C110/1G board uses a baudrate of
115200/8N1 (115200 bps, 8 Bit per character, no parity, 1 stop bit, no handshake).
Note Make sure that both hardware and software flow controls are disabled.