Chapter 5: Configuring Buttons on Your Macintosh Computer 46
The Organize Actions window displays all predefined and user defined configurations.
# Note: Remove will be enabled when a user defined action is selected. The default actions
cannot be removed.
Click New in the Organize Actions window.
The Settings For window appears.
a. All predefined settings are available via the different drop-down menus.
b. The resolution depends on the choice of destination.
c. The output dimensions can be managed via the Dimension drop-down list.
# Note: There are several options to create a new configuration. For more information see
Modifying the ScanWise Settings.
Select the settings that you want to apply.
Click Save As.
The Save Action Configuration window appears.
Enter the name of your configuration.
Click OK.
You return to the Settings For window.
Click OK.
You return to the Organize Actions window and your configuration is added to the Actions list.