10 Using the Delay mode of the pulse generator channel 1, position the pulses
according to the setup/hold combination selected, +0.0 ps or −100 ps.
a In the oscilloscope Delta V menu, set the Marker 1 Position to Chan 1, then set
Marker 1 at −1.3000 V. Set the Marker 2 Position to Chan 2, then set Marker 2 at
−1.3000 V.
b In the oscilloscope Delta T menu, select Start on Pos Edge 1. Select Stop on Neg
Edge 1.
c Adjust the pulse generator channel 1 Delay, then select Precision Edge Find in the
oscilloscope Delta T menu. Repeat this step until the pulses are aligned according to
the setup time of the setup/hold combination selected.
Select the clock to be tested.
a In the Master Clock menu, select the clock field to be tested, then select the clock
edge as indicated in the table. The first time through this test, use the top clock and
b Connect the clock to be tested to the pulse generator channel 2 output.
c Select Done to exit the Master Clock menu (see illustration).
Testing Performance
To test the single-clock, single-edge, state acquisition