Chapter 7O Agilent 10737L and Agilent 10737R Compact Three-Axis
Specifications and Characteristics
7O-24 User’s Manual
Specifications and Characteristics
Specifications describe the device’s warranted performance.
Supplemental characteristics (indicated by TYPICAL or NOMINAL)
are intended to provide non-warranted performance information useful
in applying the device.
Plane mirror systems have a fundamental optical resolution of one
quarter wavelength (0.158 micron, 6.23 microinches).
Using electronic resolution extension, the system resolution is
increased significantly. Depending on the system, an additional
resolution extension factor of 32 (for Agilent 10885A and 10895A) or
256 (for Agilent 10897B and 10898A) is usually available.
Interferometer Fundamental Optical
System Resolution (see
Agilent 10737L or Agilent 10737R λ/4 (158.2 nm, 6.2 µin) See specifications on
following page.