Front-Panel Overview
Important Oscilloscope Considerations
Delayed Sweep
Delayed sweep is a simultaneous display of the waveform at two different sweep
speeds. Because of the deep memory in the MegaZoom technology, it is possible
to capture the main display at 1 ms/div, and redisplay the same trigger in the
delayed display at any desired faster time base.
There is no limit imposed on the zoom ratio between the main and delayed
displays. There is, however, a useful limit when the samples are spaced so far
apart that they are of little value. See the “MegaZoom Concepts and
Oscilloscope Operation” chapter for more information about delayed sweep and
time reference.
Post Acquisition Processing
In addition to changing display parameters after the acquisition, you can do all
of the measurements and math functions after the acquisition. Measurements
and math functions will be recalculated as you pan and zoom and turn channels
on and off. As you zoom in and out on a signal using the horizontal sweep speed
knob and vertical volts/division knob, you affect the resolution of the display.
Because measurements and math functions are performed on displayed data,
you affect the resolution of functions and measurements.