For controlling 54753A and 54754A TDR plug-in modules that are installed in
a 54750A or 83480A mainframes, refer to the following books:
• This manual, the 54753A and 54754A TDR Plug-in Modules Programmer’s
Quick Reference
• 54753A and 54754A Programmer’s Guide for detailed information.
• 54750A Oscilloscope and 83480A Analyzer Programmer’s Guide for infor-
mation about programming the oscilloscope.
• 54753A and 54754A User’s Guide for general information about the opera-
tion of the TDR plug-in module.
For controlling 54753A and 54754A TDR plug-in modules that are installed in
an 86100-series mainframe, refer to the following books:
• 86100-series programmer’s guide.
• 86100-series online help.
computer type. All characters appearing in computer type are key
words and must be entered exactly as shown.
CAPITAL LETTERS. Capital letters indicate the short form of a command.
The actual command is not case sensitive and can be entered in upper or
lower case.
<>. Angular brackets enclose words or characters that symbolize a program
code parameter or an GPIB command.
::= "is defined as." For example, <A> ::= <B> indicates that <A> can be
replaced by <B> in any statement containing <A>.
| "or." Indicates a choice of one element from a list. For example, <A> | <B>
indicates <A> or <B> but not both.
... An ellipsis (trailing dots) indicate that the preceding element may be
repeated one or more times.